Power Tools 1993 October - Disc 2
Power Tools (Disc 2)(October 1993)(HP).iso
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NetWare for the HP 9000 Q&As
as of January 11, 1993
Q: When will NetWare 3.11 be available?
A: The product will is shipping now on the Series 800. NetWare 3.11 for the
Series 700 will ship in February 93.
Q: When will NetWare/9000 support 1000 users?
A: Not planned. Send your customer requirements to Debbie DeSoto.
Q: When will NetWare be available over Token Ring?
A: Token Ring will be available on the DART 11 release scheduled for
June 93.
Q: When will NetWare be available over FDDI?
A: Not planned. Send your customer requirements to Debbie DeSoto.
Q: When will NetWare/9000 support being backed up with UNIX utilities?
A: UNIX backup utilities may backup NetWare when the NetWare/9000 is
down. However when NetWare is up, UNIX backups of NetWare/9000 files
is not possible. Only Netware client based utilities utilizing NetWare
Trustee APIs are capable of backing up files and
trustee rights together when NetWare/9000 is active.
Q: Will future versions of NetWare/9000 support a TCP/IP stack?
A: HP is working on a prototype implementation of TCP/IP tunneling, where
IPX packets are inserted in TCP/IP datagrams. If the performance of
this solution is adequate it will be a part of the December 1992/January
1993 release. HP continues to be interested in a TCP/IP stack for NetWare
and will track what Novell provides in the Intel environment.
Q: Is NetWare supported on the Multi-Processor(HP-UX 8.06)
A: NetWare is NOT supported on HP-UX 8.06. The first release of Netware on
HP-UX 9.0(Feb93) will be MP-safe but not MP-scalable.
Q: Is a network printer node counted against my user license on
the NetWare server?
A: Yes if the network printer is an LJIIIsi or equivalent which is directly
attached to the LAN. Remote printers attached to other Unix servers or
the HP DTC do not take up a user license.
Q: How can I spool my UNIX output to a NetWare printer?
A: Use NPCAT with NetWare.
Q: How can I receive a demo copy of NetWare for the HP 9000.
A: See Demo SW and Manauls section of this material.
Q: When will Native NetWare be available on the HP 9000?
A: Native NetWare will not be available on HP9000 or HP3000. The
NetWare PA-RISC product will run directly over PA-RISC, in the
same way as the operating systems of HP 9000s and HP 3000s
operate over PA-RISC. NetWare is an operating system in it's own
right and so can standalone without either MPE or HP-UX. The
advantages of Netware running on the HP-UX platform are the
ability to simultaneously run HP-UX applications with NetWare
file and print services. In situations where file and print
services are all that is required the Intel or PA-RISC NetWare
servers will usually be preferable.
Q: Is Software Vendor supported with NetWare for the HP 9000?
A: Yes, Software Vendor is supported on NetWare for the HP 9000.
Q: Is Btrieve available with NetWare for the HP 9000?
A: Btrieve is not available today. However it is under
Q: How many user license do I need to purchase if my customer
only needs to run NVT and not NetWare file and print services?
A: Since VT sessions do not count as NetWare users, if only NVT
is being used on the server a 4-user license is sufficient for
any number of connected users.
Q. What is the price and product structure for NetWare/800S?
A. The following is the price and structure:
prod_no prod_opt opt_dscp list_price
J2240A NetWare 3.01B for HP 9000 Series 800 0.00
J2240A AA4 QIC Cartridge tape 0.00
J2240A AA0 Software on 1/4-inch cartridge tape 0.00
J2240A AA1 Software on 1/2-inch 1600 bpi tape 0.00
J2240A AAH Software on Digital Audio Tape(DAT) 0.00
J2240A AAU CD Certificate for CD ROM 0.00
J2240A UA2 4 clients supported 2725.00
J2240A UA3 8 clients supported 4750.00
J2240A UA5 16 clients supported 6725.00
J2240A UA7 32 clients supported 8950.00
J2240A UA9 64 clients supported 11400.00
J2240A UAB 128 clients supported 16600.00
J2240A UAD 250 clients supported 24900.00
J2240A UB2 Credit for 4 User License -2725.00
J2240A UB3 Credit for 8 User License -4750.00
J2240A UB5 Credit for 16 User License -6725.00
J2240A UB7 Credit for 32 User License -8950.00
J2240A UB9 Credit for 64 User License -11400.00
J2240A UBA Credit for 128 User License -16600.00